Tapahtuman tiedot

Järjestäjät: Pääkaupunkiseudun Partiolaiset ry
Wild Eagles ry
Tapahtuma: Welcome to the Scouts in Olari - Wild Eagles Season Opening
Ajankohta: 21.08.2024 klo 18.00 - 21.08.2024 klo 19.30
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 20.08.2024
Paikka: Lillhemt Village House
Tapahtuman tyyppi: Markkinointitapahtuma
Autumn Season Opening!
The event is for the whole family at Lillhemt Village House from 18:00 to 19:30. Join us and start the autumn scouting together with others. Registration in Kuksa.
The program includes fun, games and competitions, a light snack and some festivities.
At the event there is an opportunity to join our troop. We will hold an information session for new members and their parents.
Family Scouting start will be here and the first meeting is 30.8. Friday at Lillhemt from 18:00 to 19:00 hrs.
Remember your scout scarf and everyone should take their own mug for serving.